Tending News Archives - Fitness Blue Prints https://fitnessblueprints.net/tag/tending-news/ Get Fit get Inspired Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:29:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/fitnessblueprints.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-cropped-Green-Simple-Fitness-Logo-270-×-80-px.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Tending News Archives - Fitness Blue Prints https://fitnessblueprints.net/tag/tending-news/ 32 32 218996870 Projections Show Alarming Surge in Heart Disease Cases by 2050 https://fitnessblueprints.net/news/projections-show-alarming-surge-in-heart-disease-cases-by-2050/ https://fitnessblueprints.net/news/projections-show-alarming-surge-in-heart-disease-cases-by-2050/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:29:35 +0000 https://fitnessblueprints.net/?p=778 As new projections from the American Heart Association showed, it's evident that cardiovascular disease is poised to become an even greater threat to public health in the coming decades.

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United States: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a whole continues to be the leading risk factor for mortality and morbidity in the US, and disturbing statistical estimates show an increase in CVD progress over the next several decades.

As per preliminary findings of the statistics released on Tuesday by the American Heart Association, there are projections that over 61 percent of the US adults shall suffer from some form of cardiovascular diseases by 2050. A major factor that underpinned this increase is a fact that prospective cases of hypertension itself will nearly triple from a current figure of 51 to 184 million. According to the UNESCO study, the adult literacy rate increased from 2% in 2020 to 61% by 2025, according to CBS News.

Cardiovascular disease refers to diseases affecting the circulation and oxygen supply within the heart or both the heart and blood vessels including coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, valvular disease, congenital heart disease, heart failure, stroke, hypertension among others. Of those, high blood pressure can be noted as the most important additional risk factor, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

But where else are we expecting these concerning upticks?

For other cardiovascular diseases that do not include high blood pressure but include stroke, the expected total diagnosis of cardiovascular disease is expected to increase from 11.3 %. Of all adults, it is an essential component, amounting to as much as 15%, and growing from 28 million to 45 million by 2050.

Among these, the highest CAGR is expected to be seen in stroke, as prevalence is predicted to skyrocket from 3.9% to 6. which represented an increase of 4% and more than doubled the total number of adults affected by the disease from 10 million to nearly 20 million. Also projected is an increase in coronary heart disease, from 7.8% to 9.2%, as well as heart failure, from 2.7 to 3.8.

Even though detectable rates of high cholesterol, one of the causes of the disease, it is believed to be on the decline, other modifiable risk factors, including obesity and diabetes, are expected to rise, increasing from 43.1% to 60.6% and 16.3% to 26.8%, respectively.

In addition, they mentioned differences in the risk of developing the disorder within different racial and ethnic populations. Growth is projected in the total number of people with CVD and poor health behaviors among Hispanic adults and Asian populations. On the other hand, Black adults are expected to continue experiencing a high prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity more than any other group, as highlighted by CBS News.

These discrepancies have been tied to multiple factors like individual, structural, and systemic racism, socio-economic status, and the disparity in the density of healthcare facilities, as highlighted in the report.

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Surging Autoimmune Disorder Linked to COVID-19: Experts https://fitnessblueprints.net/news/surging-autoimmune-disorder-linked-to-covid-19-experts/ https://fitnessblueprints.net/news/surging-autoimmune-disorder-linked-to-covid-19-experts/#respond Mon, 13 May 2024 20:34:48 +0000 https://fitnessblueprints.net/?p=578 A rare autoimmune disorder, Anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis, is escalating, with a potential link to COVID-19 emerging from recent research.

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United States: A rare autoimmune disease seems to be escalating in the northern regions of England, with recent studies indicating a potential association with COVID-19. Identified as Anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis, this condition predominantly affected Asian populations before the pandemic but is now spreading among the Caucasian populace of Yorkshire.

Elicited by antibodies targeting the enzyme MDA5 (melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5), the malady is linked with progressive interstitial lung disease characterized by lung tissue scarring. Between 2020 and 2022, medical practitioners in Yorkshire noted an unprecedented surge of 60 instances of MDA5 autoimmunity, leading to eight fatalities, according to iflscience.com.

Scrutinizing this upsurge in a fresh investigation, scholars highlight that the abrupt surge in cases aligns with the significant waves of COVID-19 infections during the peak pandemic years. This observation is noteworthy as MDA5 serves as an RNA receptor crucial in identifying the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“In our locale (Yorkshire), we observe a surge in the frequency of anti-MDA5 positivity testing during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a noteworthy development considering the rarity of this condition in the UK,” stated the researchers. This occurrence, they posit, likely signifies “a distinctive manifestation of MDA5+ ailment in the COVID-19 era,” dubbed “MDA5-autoimmunity and Interstitial Pneumonitis Contemporaneous with COVID-19” (MIP-C), as reported by iflscience.com.

To decipher the underlying mechanisms of this newly recognized symptomatology, investigators employed data analysis tools aimed at identifying shared traits among medical cohorts. Through this approach, they unearthed a correlation between patients with MDA5 autoimmunity and elevated levels of an inflammatory cytokine named interleukin-15 (IL-15).

Discussing this revelation, study co-author Pradipta Ghosh elucidated that IL-15 “has the potential to drive cells to a state of depletion, leading to an immunological profile frequently associated with progressive interstitial lung disease or pulmonary fibrosis.”

In total, only eight out of the 60 patients had previously tested positive for COVID-19, implying that numerous cases may have stemmed from asymptomatic infections that went undetected. This suggested that even mild infections devoid of initial symptoms might suffice to trigger MDA5 autoimmunity, as per iflscience.com.

“As the peak of MDA5 positivity testing followed the apex of COVID-19 cases in 2021, coinciding with the zenith of vaccination, these findings propose an immune response or autoimmunity against MDA5 following exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and/or vaccination,” concluded the researchers.

According to Ghosh, this phenomenon is unlikely to be confined to Yorkshire, with reports of MIP-C emerging from various corners of the globe.

The study has been documented in the journal biomedicine.

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